The 'Log Line' is supposed to describe your idea in less than 25 words. Its used to sell the idea in the briefest way possible. Here I try a few different ways until finally go for the last one

Teenagers too busy with smart phones to notice the destruction going on around them

Texting teenagers oblivious to destruction taking place right next to them

World collapses around teenagers as they remain oblivious on their smartphones

Teenagers tapping away on smartphones remain oblivious to their surrounding as it crashes down around them

Text tapping teenagers busy on smartphones don’t notice as the area around them is demolished by runaway (demolition) truck

Teenagers busy on smartphones don’t notice as the area around them is demolished by runaway (demolition) truck

'Teenagers busy on smartphones don’t notice as runaway wrecking crane destroys the area around them'

We are asked to put together a 90 second pitch of an animation using whichever format we like (e.g, Stop Motion, Computer Graphics, 2D Drawn, 2D After Effects, etc). It is to be a comedy with the intention of entering it into DepictT Animation Competition

For my Animation I choose to go for Stop Motion as this is the field I have most interest in pursuing as a career choice. 

First out I write down a few basic ideas for what I think may work -



¥    SItting round a table on phones (Picnic bench)
¥    No discussion heads down
¥    Tapping/Bleeping of phone
¥    Close up on face looking confused
¥    Camera pans round table (270*)
¥    Faces raising/lowering eyebrows as they text
¥    Tongues out, jaws moving around
¥    Wearing big headphones


¥    People chatting (garble like morph)
¥    Walking hand in hand
¥    WInd picks up
¥    Cat falls off fence
¥    Wind Blowing strong
¥    Trees blowing over
¥    Stop motion text message (felt or after effects numbers/letters)
¥    Cut to phone and seeing message "nothing ever happens round here"
¥    Demolition balls swinging around destroying stuff
¥    Cat swings through frame on ball
¥    Digger tracks runs over fence
¥    Tree is ripped from the ground
¥    Squirrel runs along tank track like on treadmill
¥    Ball narrowly misses one of texting teenagers
¥    Cut to phone and seeing message "nothing ever happens round here"

Log Line

Friends sat round table on mobile phones texting how little ever happens though not noticing what's going on around them

A new term begins and this blog becomes the main one for my studies in modules 'Developing Collaborative Practice in Animation' and 'Professional Practice and Work Experience in Animation 2'